Promoting British Values at Bromley Hills
Primary School
Here at Bromley Hills, our school values are rooted in the fundamental values of Britain.
We teach children to:
Work as a team, having a respect for democracy and participate in the democratic process;
Care, support and respect for the liberties of all within the law;
Cooperate, get along with each other and respect the rule of law, having a respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England;
Treat one another with respect, having a mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and religious and other beliefs;
Are honest with one another, supporting one another and ensuring that there is equality for all.
The teaching of these values can be seen throughout our curriculum:
Work as a team - respect for democracy
Our School Council is democratically appointed at the start of every year. Children who wish to become a school councillor write a manifesto and reads it out in an assembly. Children then vote and the elected members meet regularly to discuss issues raised in class council meetings. The council runs its own school shop and uses the proceeds to support learning at school. The school council often visit the Houses of Parliament in London. The school council meets with Governors on a termly basis to discuss issues.
All parents/carers and children have a questionnaire at the end of the year, where they are able to put forward their views about the school.
Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to participate in local debating competitions organised by the local authority.
Throughout the curriculum, children are taught about, and encouraged to respect public institutions and services.
Care - Individual liberties
Children are actively encouraged to make choices, in a safe and supportive environment.
Children support a wide range of charities - MacMillan, Children In Need, Red Nose Day and we donate our harvest produce to a local food bank charity.
Cooperate - the rule of law
At the start of every new term, as part of their PSHE lessons, children in every class discuss and create their own 'Class Charter', where they discuss and decide upon behaviour which is acceptable and behaviour that would not be tolerated. These are displayed in class for all children to follow.
Children are taught about the importance of rules and laws and about the consequences when these are broken. This is reinforced in our behaviour policy.
Respect - mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths & beliefs
We teach children to treat each other with mutual respect - treat others as you wish to be treated.
We invite visitors from a local church to come and talk to children about their faith and beliefs and ensure other faiths are explored across school through visits and the curriculum.
Through our Religious Education curriculum, we teach children about different faiths and beliefs, so that children have a good understanding that there are a range of religions and beliefs in our society which make up our multi-cultural society.
In our whole school assemblies, children learn about different religions and beliefs and festivals which take place throughout the year.
Honesty - equality for all
Children are taught about anti bullying through their PSHE lessons. We hold an antibullying week, which culminates in a whole school assembly, celebrating the work that the children have completed that week. A display is produced which is a constant reminder to our children of our school ethos against bullying.
Anti-bullying is also a focus for our whole school assemblies, where children reflect upon their behaviour and think about how to think about others.