The Governing Body of Bromley Hills primary school was re-constituted in 2015. It is made up of the headteacher, 1 LA governor, 1 staff governor, 2 Parent Governors and 4 Co-opted governors. Co-opted governors are people, in the opinion of the governing body, who have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Our governors play an important role in our school. They are involved in a regular and rigorous programme of evaluation and monitoring to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of our school's work.
All governors serve a 4-year term of office with the exception of the HT who remains on the GB as long as he/she is in post.
Governors serve the school on a voluntary basis with the exception of the clerk.
The Full Governing Body meets 2 times each term. We have 2 committees that look after Staff Pay/Appeals and others can be set up if required for a specific reason such as pupil discipline. When we meet we discuss a range of topics and issues that affect Bromley Hills Primary school. Each governor has a different role and responsibility within their remit such as data, SEND or Foundation Stage.
The Governors take a lead role on all areas, particularly Safeguarding, Data, Performance, Attainment, Pupil and PE/Sports Premium and Finance. We come into school to meet with the staff and pupils to ensure the effectiveness of the School Development Plan (SDP). Governors then write a report which is shared at the next governing board meeting.
Our Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office:
Phone: 01384 816940
Name | Governor Type | |
Nigel Smith | LA Governor | Chair of Governors |
Jon Stevens | Headteacher | Ex-Officio |
Jo Rogers | Staff Governor | |
Claire Baggott | Co-opted Governor | |
Amanda Jeavons | Parent Governor | |
Vacancy | Parent Governor | |
Mrs Lee-Anne Knowles | Co-opted Governor | |
Alicia Waldron | Clerk to the Governing Body | SIPS Education |
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor |